Let's connect

Did you check out the FAQs below? If your question isn’t answered don’t hesitate to reach out. Please complete the form below and I will get back to you in 2 business days or less.

Frequently asked questions

Are you still designing websites?

No. I’m no longer designing websites. I’ve decided to focus all client work on visual branding or custom artwork/illustrations. If I’ve created a website for you in the past, I will of course support you in any way I can!


Why can't I purchase the same products that you have on Society6 here?

Society6 has access to many manufacturers. When I sell products via my website or Etsy, I’m more intentional with my product offerings and expand as I find top-notch fulfillment suppliers.


I’m ready to get started, what do I need?

Don’t be shy. Let’s connect so we can get to know each other and so that I can learn about your needs.


How long does each service take and can the timelines be accelerated?

As you can imagine, timing is dependent on the scope of work. I’ve provided rough estimates below. Depending on the schedule and scope, some projects can be rushed. Please reach out to discuss.

  • Brand identity and design: 6 to 9 weeks

  • Custom artwork & surface patterns: 4 to 8 weeks

  • Book illustrations (covers & individual page illustrations): 12 to 24 weeks

  • Course and/or workshop development: varies


Do you offer payment plans?

I realize that branding and design services are major investments.  Being that I service small businesses, I can be flexible. We will discuss an option that works for us both during the contract phase.


You used to offer general graphic design and marketing services. What happened to those services?

In an effort to focus and work more efficiently for my clients, I decided to narrow my services to what I believe most small business clients need and what I truly enjoy doing.  With that said, if you need a service that isn’t listed on the services page, please reach out.  If I can’t help, I will certainly connect you with a designer or marketer that can.


Help! I need a great photographer. Can you help?

I sure can. Jennifer Domineck, owner of Love Life Images, is incredible. She shot my wedding, maternity pictures for my first child, numerous family sessions and the great brand pictures on my site. You won’t be disappointed.

Another talented photographer is Erika Layne. She shot my most recent brand pictures and did a phenomenal job!

Both photographers are based in the Washington, D.C. area.